Wednesday 3 August 2011

3rd August 2011

The owls are now roosting away from the box so we have mothballed the camera ready for next year.
It has been a fascinating experience watching the progress of the owlets from egg to fledging.
Particular thanks to Andrew the owner of the box and to our sponsors Northern Optics.
See you next year everybody!

Monday 1 August 2011

1st August 2011

The young owls are now able to fly quite well and can roost away from the nest box if they wish. One bird has done this occasionally during the past week. However, as this photo today (excuse the spider's web on the lense) shows they often prefer to return to the box during the day. It provides a safe place to rest before the night's activities. They are away from the sharp eyes of corvids who will mob them mercilessly if they find them out in the open in daylight!